Here is a peek at what everything looked like the next day. Beautiful!

We were so happy to spend some cuddle time with Gracie.

We took a break in the afternoon to catch a bite to eat at "The Pie Pizzeria". Grace was absolutely mesmerized by the ceiling fans. She could not stop watching them. We were cracking up at her little expression! We had just come from Babies R Us and bought her a colorful, musical mobile for her crib and were sure that she would love it, given her reaction to the ceiling fans! She sure looks deep in thought doesn't she?
And when her mobile got set up, we were right! She loves her new mobile. Every time she's under it, she becomes very animated and excited--cooing, smiling, laughing and waving her arms and kicking her little legs nonstop. It is just too cute to watch her.
Here is a short video of her reaction under her mobile.

Saturday morning dawned sunny and dry and it was a unanimous decision that we take the dogs and head out to the dog park (Tanner Park) which is the BEST dog park ever! It's in a nice canyon with trails and trees and a stream the dogs can swim in. It was also a nice hike for all us human types, too. Lots of room to toss a ball and let your dogs be dogs!

Here's Grace in her Snugli with her mama setting out on the trail down the hill for some fresh air and exercise! Isn't her little sweater cute? She stayed snug and warm next to mama.

The Sheppies, Kayla and Briggs loved running around the park and they loved the water was definitely way too cold for me, but they jumped right in, time after time!