

I am sharing a few snapshots that my eldest son, C's girlfriend, H took at the BBQ on Saturday! Here is an endearing photo of C holding his niece, little Grace and sharing a quiet moment with her.

And a silly moment with Uncle C and Auntie M throwing Grace's "blankie" over them. Grace thought that was hysterical fun.
Grace and her sweet mama (my firstborn baby girl, A)
Gracie and her adorable Auntie M sharing a laugh.
A cool shot that Uncle C took with his fancy-schmancy camera. She was definitely in a more serious mode when this photo was snapped.

We went to the Fair on Sunday. Grace and Uncle C share a laugh while we listened to some great acoustic music and took a break

Grace had fallen asleep for a bit while we strolled through the exhibit halls. She woke and non-verbally expressed her displeasure at the noise level inside . Too cute!



We had a great weekend with the kids and Grace and I have some very cute photos to post. I am back to work today and have an Excel class tonight, so I will have to wait to post about their visit .

However, today I thought I would share something that I recently discovered that I think is great! I have happily happened upon a wonderful radio station online. It is K-LOVE. Some of you may already be in the loop. I can be behind the curve sometimes.

I don't even remember how I found K-LOVE, whether it was via someone else's Blog or an online article but I am so happy to have found good music that has been so uplifting to listen to online at work. This station really keeps me centered and helps my attitude stay positive.

There are lots of local stations that air K-LOVE too! There may be one in the town or city you live in. You may already listen to K-LOVE in your car or home, too. But if you don't , check it out and let me know what you think!



My garden is growing crazy!

The tomato plants have grown above the tops of the cages and the yellow and zuchinni squash are getting tall and spreading out. I can see lots of yellow squash starting--one is pretty big already--but the zuchinni plants are not quite there yet...still just getting started.

Lots of green tomatoes on all three plants and still flowering! Four mid-sized cucumbers and three bell peppers and one jalapeno already!

I didn't have my camera outside with me last night when I was watering, so this weekend I will have to snap some shots of the garden to share with you.

With the drought conditions here in California and our current watering restrictions, we can't water until after 6 pm (and before 10 am) and last night I had already put in a full day at work and a trip to Costco, so I was thinking, let's just get everything watered and relax for a bit!

Counting down the hours till my sweet girl, her hubby and Gracie arrive for their visit.

Make today a GOOD day!



After two (VERY busy) weeks of some minor home remodeling projects (ceiling fan installs, painting, and furniture re-arranging) as well as getting a room set up for Grace (crib, rocking chair, changing table and toys), baby-proofing the house and last, but not least, hosting our Father's Day celebration dinner (Chicken Enchiladas Suisas, Refried Beans, Guacamole and M-M-M-Good Margaritas), I have finally found my way back in here to dust and update my Blog.

I'm sorry for neglecting you Blog. And for leaving all my faithful readers stranded on the side of the road to Blogville. Bad me.

In my defense, I did have good intentions to sit down and blog. Yup, it went through my mind every day AND my heart was in the right place. That counts, right?

However, my brain has been somewhere else. Mostly lost in HGTV design shows. I think I called it a vortex at one point.

And my body has been in Home Depot. A lot.

I've also been up to my elbows in drop cloths, blue painter's tape and dreamy shades of wall paint. I dare not admit to how many paint sample cards we accumulated trying to match just the right shade of this to go with that. It was worth it.

So we are finally taking a decorating haitus.

And switching gears.

Beginning on Thursday night, we will be Memawing and Pepawing a lot. Mama, Daddy and Grace will be flying out for a long weekend visit and for us it will be "The Grace Show" daily at our house.

We will be spoiling our adorable grand-daughter for four fabulous days. We will be soaking up every single moment of their time with us. Of course there will be a lot of visiting (gabbing), family socializing, Playstation-ing for the guys and we will have a visit to the San Diego County Fair thrown in, too.

Is it Thursday YET?