Here is the "good morning" text greeting Bruce and I received as we were getting ready for work at 6:20 a.m. (7:30 a.m. Utah time).
Good Morning! I love you!

Good morning back to you, Miss Grace. Memaw and Pepaw love you so much sweetheart!
And do you know what is even better? This time next Friday we will be getting and giving our good morning greetings in person!
What a cutie! And what a great way to start the day! How exciting that you get to see her soon. When are you guys moving?
Have fun with your little one!
Your prize is on the way, by the way... Sorry, us mountain folk are slow to get to the post office sometimes.
Have a great trip!
Hey mom, read about Kevin down below and want to make sure I get my two sense in. I like reading you blog it puts a smile on my face and helps me to forget school for a split second. Yesterday I had my flight physical and they were doing a heart check on me; you now the one with all those wire going all over your chest. Well any way he asked me to think about something stressfull, it took all of about 2 seconds for me to think of FE school and my heart I just thought that was a funny little story. Well I'm just sitting here after PT before I have to go to class and thought I'd catch up on your blog then write you a little something. Well miss you much but you got a little while longer till you go to see A, K, and Gracie. And I can;t wait till you guys move out here. Well love you lots mom. T
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