My grand-daughter, Grace, is a ray of sunshine in my world. Her sweet little smile makes my day! See what I mean?

It is hard to believe that she is already 2 months old. I sure miss her and her mama. I'm counting the days (9 more days!) until we fly up to see them for the weekend!
My goodness, what a cutiepie! She has an adorable smile. And I bet you're getting so excited to see her again! :)
Thank you, Thomma Lyn! Her smile is so contagious! I can't wait to snuggle her again!
I just love that she smiles so often. I change her diaper and she lays there and coos and talks to me just smiling away. Its hard to remember when I was hoping for her to smile! I can't wait to see you guys!
I was thinking about that...when she first smiled and it was right after you all were here--a month ago.
Thank you for leaving me a comment introducing yourself Beth. Your granddaughter is a cutie :) I appreciate your prayers!
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