

This morning dawned cold with a bright blue sky.  It was 20 degrees and the fresh snow had a layer of ice on top and crunched beneath my feet.  But it was the air was clear and dry and it energized me.  My love affair with winter continues. 

I have never stressed out about the "flu season" or getting sick.  I have the "glass half full" mindset and believe that my emotional well being has a lot to do with my physical well being.  I focus on the upside of life and make lemonade out of lemons.

That being said, I usually get one cold every winter and this season, I caught one earlier than usual.  I woke up on Christmas morning feeling icky.  Tired, worn out and not myself.  Thankfully, we were not entertaining, so it was a stay in my jammies, next to the fire, under a blanket sort of day and we ate finger foods all day.  But we were traveling to the West Coast two days later, and I wanted to enjoy our visit with family and friends (and not get them sick), so I began to double my attack against the virus. 

I added multiple doses of Airborne and Emergen-C, was diligent taking my supplements including D and C, and used my roller bottles of oils (DoTerra OnGuard and Breathe mostly) many times a day.  The day we flew West, I felt like a zombie and dreaded my week in sunny San Diego.  Let me be blunt.  I felt like crap.  I loaded up my arsenal to take with  me as well as lots of tea bags of my favorite tea Good Earth brand Sweet and Spicy Tea (to make me feel better) while I was sick.  Hot tea is my go to for comfort when I am sick.

Though I battled this cold the whole 6 days we were there, I am thankful and happy to report that my symptoms were abbreviated and I recovered quickly rather than suffering for the whole two weeks that I usually am sick.  By the time we got home, I was well.  I never got that nasty lingering cough that usually plagues me for a month or more after all of my other cold symptoms have ended either.  THAT was a miracle.

I believe that eating well, staying on my supplements and battling with my oils all together were the key to my success in kicking that cold so quickly and efficiently

I have been using my oil education to continue to keep my immune system strong.  I am certain too, that our Keto way of eating (and not eating processed foods) was key in helping me boost my immunity.  After all, your immune system begins in your gut. 

My goal is to continue to stay well for the balance of the winter season.  The sun is shining bright today and I am going to throw on a jacket and go outside now and get some straight up Vitamin D! 

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