

Yes, it appears that Summer has faded away and Fall is here to stay.

Our temperatures have been on the cool side for a couple of weeks now and this morning we woke up to rain. More rain is predicted to continue through tomorrow night.

Yes, I am happy to announce that it's fire in the fireplace--autumn spice candles burning--pull on some fuzzy socks--wrap up in a blanket-- weather. Mmmmmm. Can't you just smell that pot of chili bubbling on the stove?

Fall's chilly nights let you to bury yourself under the down comforter for the night (and late on the weekends)

Fall weather encourages you to invite the 80 pound dog to sleep on your feet (oh wait, that's my house)

It's also time to get all wrapped up in your Fall television shows

What better time to rent a movie, pop a bowl of popcorn, snuggle on the couch with your honey?

Need a better excuse to run out and get a hot caramel apple cider from Starbucks? (the best fall drink!) I don't!

I do believe it is my favorite season...

1 comment:

Thomma Lyn said...

Fall is my favorite season, too! The crisp temperatures, the turning and falling leaves, the crunch of fallen leaves on the trail as I hike, the snug sleeping on cool nights. Enjoy!