Here are some shots of the little sweetheart that I took during my weekend visit.
This one I took at Liberty Park with my cell phone. All of the others were taken with our new Nikon D90--which I love.
Little Strawberry Girl. Mama gave her a taste of a strawberry and man, did she love it!

Grace is absolutely facsinated with the water coming out of the sprayer. It was so, so cute to watch her.

All snuggled up in her warm bath towel, clean and happy.

Grace fell asleep in bed with Mama and Daddy in her Boppy and took a long nap--nothing better than a lazy Sunday afternoon in bed.

These pictures make me miss her all the more. I'm ready to hop a Jet Blue flight back to Utah....pronto.
Mommy is like just a taste of that strawberry, not the whole thing!!! Lol! She sure was fussy and tired tonight. All this week I have been giving her a whole bottle at bedtime and after she finished it tonight she was still fussy. So we filled up her humidfier and put her down, a few mintues later she was crying! Mommy had to go rock her to sleep for about 5-8 minutes till she passed. Not sure why she is so fussy/tired, because she got some decent nap time. Hopefully she won't be like this on the weekend! Love you and can't wait for the next visit!
Maybe she is cutting teeth? That will make them fussy. Poor little girl...must not be feeling good.
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