

I was supposed to fly home this morning from my long weekend with the kids and Grace. But I came down with a nasty stomach virus late last night and was up all night sick as a dog...so Bruce changed my flight to tomorrow and I spent the day in bed. The kids got me some Sprite and crackers and soup and I am finally feeling like I can make the flight as scheduled! That is an answer to prayer, for certain!

I will blog more about my wonderful visit, but I just have to share this snapshot of Grace that I took with my phone on Friday when we went to the park for a picnic.

She has just about mastered sitting up already! She always has a hand or finger in her mouth and jabbers and jabbers. She amazes me with her dexterity already! And she is the happiest, smiling baby. I just love her to pieces!

I'm still trying to figure out a way to get her in my carry-on bag tomorrow. Yeah, right. Keep dreamin' Memaw.

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