

A posted more pics today. She is 23 weeks pregnant with the "wee one".
I cannot wait to start a scrapbook of baby pictures...I wish I lived closer to my girl so I could see her more and go shopping with her! I miss you darling daugher!


Thomma Lyn said...

I bet you're all so excited! :)

Beth said...

yes, we are...I can't wait to be a grandmother!

me said...

aw :(
I know how it is to be away from my mom when pregnant, and that's definitely when I miss her the most. I hope you get some chances to be with her during this time. Are you planning to go see her when the baby comes?

Beth said...

Hi Ashley, she will be out here the first week in December and I am going back when the baby arrives. congrats again...I posted on your blog....Alex is sooooo cute.