I haven't been posting this week, because I think the posts would be repetitious (and boring) to you all. Why, you ask? Because, I have been focused on working out and cooking dinners (so we can continue to eat
healthy and stay in our desired calorie range) and not much else, really.
Okay, I take that back. I have been working on a small crochet project to get my feet wet again with my crochet skills. I confess that I resorted to googling You Tube videos to help refresh my memory on how to complete ANY of the stitches. How pathetic is that?
But it has come back to me and I am so thankful for You Tube and Knit Witch. If you want to learn to crochet (or remember how to crochet, like me) go to the Knit Witch videos on you tube. They rock! Or rather, she rocks! She has a website and a blog too. http://www.knitwitch.com/
I finally got my yarn (in the mail) for my granny square afghan I want to make but in the meantime, I got antsy and got yarn for this other little project and have been playing around with it. I don't want to switch gears until I get this one finished.
We've been looking at beach cruiser style bikes, too, so stay tuned for news on those. Since we live close to the beach, we can definitely get our use out of them and there is a local electra bike club that has monthly rides we can participate in, too. Bonus! I am trying to come up with some fun ways for us to stay active and this looks like a winner! We are getting enough of a tax refund back to buy our bikes and add some bling!
That about sums up our news for the past week. We've been catching up on shows we have DVR'd and I get some crocheting done (and undone) while we watch!
I will take some photos when I get projects completed enough to photograph! In the meantime, enjoy the sunrise photos.

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