

I can.  I just haven't in a very long time. I used to crochet a lot and I want to get back into it.  I find it very relaxing and will give me something productive to do while doing nothing in front of the TV.

I got some new crochet hooks for Christmas and now I need to get out and get some yarn.  I'd like to make some coffee cup cozies and scarves to start and see how that goes.

I started to learn to knit, but haven't stuck with it long enough to really pick it up.  There is a place here in town that has lessons and times for ladies to get together to work on crochet/knitting projects.  That sounds like fun to me and I may try it out soon.

I hope to start a crochet project this weekend...since it's a long weekend off of work for me and I will have to down time.  We're also supposed to get some rain on Sunday and I think crocheting would be a perfect activity to do while the rain is coming down outside and we are all cozy inside with a nice fire in the fireplace.

Anyone else knit or crochet?  Any tips on what type of yarn to get?


Summer Girl said...

When I worked at Michaels, I bought some yarn..I think it was called WoolSpun..but that was a loonngg time ago. Anyway, I bought it for Grandma to make me an afghan and it is one of my favs because the yarn is so soft and not very itchy. But I bought it with my employee discount because it was expensive. Have fun!

Laura said...

I do crochet! Not much these days, but I enjoy it. It's so relaxing. One year (before I had kids) I made about eighteen hats for Christmas gifts. You'll have to post pics of what you make!