

Our garden is growing like crazy. Most of our veggies are already as big as the plants in our garden were in late summer last year.

Can you believe this Cucumber plant?  It keeps trying to attach itself to the neighboring pepper plants and tomato plants on either side. 

Our crookneck squash plants are booming.  I love yellow squash and can't wait until I can harvest and steam fresh squash from our very own garden.

 We planted two different tomato plants this year and they're both growing  like crazy.  Can you see that they are taller than the tomato cages already?

 Here are my three jalapenos.  I will be making lots of jalapeno jelly this summer. 

Here is our secret weapon.  A habenero.  One habenero is gonna turn up the heat when I add it to batch of pepper jelly.  Remember my batches last year?
second batch and the recipe.

And Basil, sweet Basil.  This will make the most delicious Pesto.  I may freeze some this summer so we can have it ready for dinners all winter long.

We have lots of blooms and some squash emerging and one red bell pepper that is still green, but I have a feeling that this year's harvest will be more bountiful than last year.

1 comment:

Farmer Gal said...

Love it! I have yet to even finish planting everything in our garden... Hopefully tomorrow! The few things I do have in -- tomatoes, beans, peas, carrots -- are popping out nicely!