Where has September gone? No, really...what happened to it?
This is not that exciting, but here it what have I been doing this month:
* working
* started the Fat Smash diet on the 8th....I am down 13 pounds
* working out...hitting the treadmill for 30 minutes at 4:40 in the morning, 5 days a week and another brisk 30 minute walk at lunch 5 days a week.
* had my hair appointment for cut and color-- back to brown with a few blond highlights thrown in for good measure--took an inch off the length, but didn't go for the cut I was contemplating...I'm still mulling that over.
* worked on my novel
* celebrated M's 22nd birthday
* signed up for the Croptoberfest scrapbooking event I attend every year
* actually bought two Christmas presents already...but shhhh...not telling who they are for.
* got some new pillow covers for our living room sofa and re-arranged the furniture.
Yep, that about sums it up most of September for me....
Tonight, Bruce and I are going to dinner at the Brigantine and then to the Beach Boys concert at Humphreys, which is an outdoor venue right on the bay. Lots of people sit on their boats and listen to the music.
We'll float in the pool to stay cool this weekend...since we have had record high temperatures. I need to start organizing my photos for my scrapbooking event...I want to be ready to just start placing my photos in my books. Maybe I can get that started over the weekend.
And I am carving out time to work on my writing and churn out some more pages of my novel.
All in all, it's been a very good and productive month at our house! How about at yours? What's been keeping you busy?
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