As I was going through some of our travel photos the other day, I came across these that we snapped on our first trip to Tennessee when we ventured out to look at lake properties at Land Between the Lakes.

Land Between the Lakes is by Kentucky Lake and Lake Barkley, west of Clarksville. It was a gorgeous July day. We drove from site to site and then walked each indvidual home site

We were really taken with the views and beautiful lots and home sites, but it was quite a drive to Clarksville from there and even further still to get to Nashville, so we marked it off our list as a possible location to live until after we retire.

I used to live in an area called High Valley and though it was not nearly as remote as these properties are, it was still a challenge to get a pizza delivered.
I can tell you there would be no pizza delivery at all in this area.
Not that I have to order pizza every so often, or anything like that. I'm just sayin'.
I was just now able to view this post today-Thursday-. Weird.
That is because I started drafting it on Tuesday but did not publish it until Thursday...hehe.
We lived in Nashville for a year when I was 16. In fact my first job was working on a roller coaster at Opryland. It was so beautiful there, but I missed San Diego so much.
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