

To Costco. What is Costco (much like Sams Club for those of you familiar with them...but, oh, so much more)

There I said it.

Isn't admitting you have a problem, the first step to recovery? Ha ha. There is no recovery from an addiction to Costco. I've tried.

Oh where do I begin? Is it the vast selection of foods or wines or clothes or gadgets? Books, clothes, gear, kitchen stuff? Or maybe what they carry for holidays? The electronics? How about the tasting? The quantities? The variety? The things you never knew you needed or couldn't live without?

If you don't have a Costco where you live, you must go to one if you ever get to visit a city that has a Costco. Really. Forget Disneyland. Go to Costco!

Just look! Shop even...


But you have to visit a warehouse to get the full effect of everything there is to the experience of shopping at a Costco.

When we move to Tennessee, we will be 38 miles away from the Costco in Nashville. We are 3.2 miles from our Costco now. But we will make the trek. It is way worth it.

Here is an article from the New York Times about the Nashville Costco

There was a lot of criteria for choosing Middle Tennessee for our relocation. Having a Costco was one of them.

Did I say that outloud?

It was a just small part of the quotient.


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