I watched A & K pull out of our driveway Tuesday afternoon, their truck bed loaded down with a maple chest, beautiful handmade cradle, and lots of things we had set aside for them. Inside the cab were the baby shower gifts, and their luggage. It was hard to watch them pull away from the house, but I knew it would only be another 7 weeks before I joined them and my new grandbaby in Utah for a visit. That kept the tears from falling.
I am adjusting to getting back to work, and the break at home spending time with Bruce and my daughter and son-in-law was just what I needed. I feel energized and refreshed.
And even better, today is Friday and the weekend awaits me. We are headed to the mall tomorrow to do some Christmas shopping. Our weather is changing to cold and rainy for the weekend and that will surely put me in the Christmas shopping mood. I have such a hard time shopping for Christmas gifts when the weather is hot.
I have already done some online shopping (my favorite way to shop). I mean really, how can you beat shopping from the sofa in your jammies? I do have to get out at least once to the mall to scurry about and feel the excitement (and terror) of shopping at this time of year.
We plan to get up early tomorrow morning, have a cup of coffee here at the house and head down to the mall as soon as they open. We should be done by midday and stop for lunch somewhere before we head back home.
I can't wait to dive into the craziness at the mall tomorrow. (Did I really write that? I think I really need my head examined...) Check back in with me tomorrow for a full report.
Have a great time Christmas shopping! I'm glad it won't be hot. I think I'd have a hard time Christmas shopping when it's hot, too!
I love online shopping, too -- yay for shopping in jammies and bunny slippers, with a cat in my lap!
Sounds like you had a great visit with your daughter and son-in-law. And I bet you're excited about meeting your grandbaby. I'm looking forward to meeting my little nephew after he arrives! :-D
Separating from grown children is so much sadder than I ever imagined. I spent weeks sobbing in the supermarket when I saw small children when my eldest left for college a plane-ride away. One just can't deny the onslaught of time. On the other hand, I imagine grandchildren a joy. Thanks for visiting my blog.
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