I cannot wait to start a scrapbook of baby pictures...I wish I lived closer to my girl so I could see her more and go shopping with her! I miss you darling daugher!

Here are the grandparents hanging out after breakfast, enjoying some morning sunshine and respite while the rest of the camp finishes up breakfast and moring routines before we make plans for where we are going to go on our off-road adventure for the day.
Setting up the tables for dinner....
The line forms here....and if it happens to be a chilly or windy day, we set up our food inside the motorhomes for serving. We are usually blessed with beautiful weather for Thanksgiving dinner so we usually are able to eat outside.
Finally home and all tuckered out...we thought this little bundle of fur would never get bigger than 50 pounds....or so we were told...can you say "gullible" ?
You can see she is getting bigger and lighter...looking more like her golden retriever grandparent now. Sleeping again...but now she has discovered just how comfy our sofa is...now I know what they mean when they say it's a dogs life.
Well here she is now all full grown and still makes herself at home on the sofa to hang out whenever she gets the go ahead to do so.
Did someone say "Let's go for a ride in the Jeep?" I'm ready to go! Get my collar and leash!
Kona will be three years old this December. She is a very smart and obedient dog...the best dog we have ever had. Oh yeah, that 50 pound dog we were told she would be....make that 80 pounds. 80 p0und lap dog. Lovable lap dog.