It's been a whirlwind but joyfully busy summer and I am way behind on catching up with my blog. Long story short. The real estate market continues to be bad here in San Diego, but we are out of our condo and into a rental home in Clairemont until we pull up stakes and move to TN. We really love being close to everything now...ten minutes from work and just about anywhere else, except North County. We live in an older quiet neighborhood and are blessed to have the best neighbors we could ever imagine having!
We are headed back to TN next week for another visit (scoping out neighborhoods, meeting up with our beloved Tennessee friends and exploring some more of the area.) We are taking this trip in conjunction with our trip to Great Lakes, Illinois for my youngest son, T's graduation from Navy Boot Camp! I have not seen him in almost 9 weeks and I know it will be so amazing to see him in a Naval uniform! I am so proud of him and I know I will be a weepy mess on that day. I am taking a a lot of Kleenex with me! I will write and post pictures when we return.
We have less than a year now before we move to Tennessee...our ticker is tickin' down...