

I thought it was time I'd better upload and give you all a peek at some of the  "before" and "after" photos of some our hard work in the yard over the past two weekends.

Here is the "before" of our old gazebo (rusting away, falling apart and mildew ridden) and our dilapitated umbrella (see it in the background?) Our gazebo has definitely seen better days. The umbrella has been battered by too many Santa Ana winds and the rich dark colors I loved have faded.

And, voila....here is the "after" with our two new gazebos built and standing on our patio. We hadn't cleared everything away from the patio (and on top of the grill) before we snapped the shot, so please ignore the clutter.

Here is a photo of our empty garden boxes, that only hold weeds and the old (and now leaky) soaker hose we used to water last year's harvest.

And "after"...our newly planted vegetable garden.  From the back of the garden: yellow squash, tomatoes, cucumbers, red and green bell peppers, jalapenos, habanero and in the very front, on the left, basil.

Right now I am hand watering the garden but we are going to install a drip irrigation system, so that will make watering easier this summer.  Trust me, that is on our "to-do" list.

I'll add some more photos as we finish up the rest of our projects. 


Farmer Gal said...

Looks good! So green! So warm! (Although I know you've had some bouts of cold weather lately.) Good luck with finishing up your projects!

Beth said...

It's been cloudy, drizzly and cool all week...the sun peeked out today, but more drizzle is due for the weekend. Next week its supposed to warm up again! When does warm weather begin for you guys?

Summer Girl said...

So does the new gazebo have the side screens like the last one? I think they both look great and love the little one!

Beth said...

you mean the blinds we hung? We're gonna get some for this one too. Maybe two smaller ones on the one side instead of the one larger one.