

My sweet hubby is back home AND it's Friday!  After I got off work today, we met for an appetizer-happy hour dinner at our favorite Friday night haunt, which, by the way, we have not been to for nearly three months.  I have missed it.  It was not crowded tonight when we arrived and I was so surprised and happy to see that they added purse hooks under the bar!

I stayed on track with my good eating and ordered a dinner salad with Italian dressing and an order of meatballs.  I also had two glasses of chilled house Chardonnay.  And two large glasses of water.  My "dinner" was so tasty and it was so fun to spend time with my hubby catching each other up on our week apart from one another.

On our way home, we stopped at our favorite coffee place and I got a cup of black decaf to complete my night.

Tomorrow, I have my scrapbooking marathon day called Croptoberfest.  I am going to be working on a photo book of photos of my grand-daughter, Grace.  I have a ton of photos and I really need to get them in a scrapbook (or two). 

It will be a fun day of sharing, journaling, laughing and fellowship with other creative types like me.  It will also be an early day for me.  My scrappin'-croppin' event begins at 8:30 a.m. and I will have to make sure I have my mug of coffee ahead of time!  Power up for my day!

Hope your weekend is on a great start too!

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