

I am in the middle of my fourth week of JW's program and feel amazing!  I have tons of energy, don't need any sleep aid to go to sleep or stay asleep, have improved my stamina and fitness level and have lost pounds and inches!

I am flying to Utah on Thursday for a long weekend to meet my brand new grandson, Aaron and spend time (every waking moment) with both of my grandbabies, daughter and son-in-law.  This time tomorrow I will be heading to the airport.  I simply cannot wait to get there!

I will, of course, be the "Paparazzi Memaw" while I am there and come back with lots of photos of my precious, darling, adorable, sweet and snuggly grandchildren.  Can you tell I don't like them very much?  *wink*

I have lots to do before I leave (laundry, pack, workout), so I will say Ta-Ta-For-Now!

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