

We had a great weekend with the kids and Grace and I have some very cute photos to post. I am back to work today and have an Excel class tonight, so I will have to wait to post about their visit .

However, today I thought I would share something that I recently discovered that I think is great! I have happily happened upon a wonderful radio station online. It is K-LOVE. Some of you may already be in the loop. I can be behind the curve sometimes.

I don't even remember how I found K-LOVE, whether it was via someone else's Blog or an online article but I am so happy to have found good music that has been so uplifting to listen to online at work. This station really keeps me centered and helps my attitude stay positive.

There are lots of local stations that air K-LOVE too! There may be one in the town or city you live in. You may already listen to K-LOVE in your car or home, too. But if you don't , check it out and let me know what you think!

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