

I gave my blog a little face lift today.  Monochromatic.  Calm. Maybe a bit boring?

Perhaps it helped me feel better today.

My head hurt.

It started last night and I took an OTC pain reliever and hoped that in the night it would go away.  It didn't.  This morning I took Excedrin, a nice warm shower and crawled back into bed and burrowed under the covers.

I've been in bed all day today. Resting. Recuperating.

Early this afternoon, I began to climb out of the fog of pain. I made myself a protein smoothie to drink, climbed back in bed and worked on my blog for awhile.  

For now, I am happy with the 'plain jane' template and colors. Calm in the midst of chaos. 


Yaya' s Home said...

Ooooooh! Been there, done that an' I feel for you. I hope you are back up to snuff really soon. Those headaches can be soooooo miserable. Take care.

~ Yaya

Farmer Gal said...

I'm liking your new calming look. I think it's helping to calm me!

A little blog re-do is always such a good thing to do on sick days, isn't it?